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Aircraft Industries is embarking on the development of an amphibious version of the L 410 NG.The company gained a customer at the Dubai Airshow

22.11. 2021 | Aktuálně

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Aircraft Industries will begin the development of an amphibious version of their L 410 NG aircraft in Kunovice. The delivery of one aircraft marked L 410 NG SEAWADER was agreed with AIR - TEC GLOBAL at the Dubai Airshow. The value of the contract is estimated at ten million USD.

The L 410 NG SEAWADER will be able to land on water and on land. The "amphibian" type floats will be equipped with retractable wheeled landing gear, which will allow them to take off from the airport and choose between landing on the water surface or the runway. 

Aircraft Industries with the L 410 NG SEAWADER is heading into a new segment of the regional air transport market. It will fill the gap between conventional aircraft, especially in passenger and freight transport, specifically regions that do not have a sufficiently developed airport network, but a large number of suitable water areas. "With the SEAWADER aircraft, we are opening a new chapter in the use of the L 410 NG. We will sell in a completely new market segment for us. We will launch business campaigns in Indonesia, Philippines, Africa, Caribbean, Maldives and Europe. Opportunities are growing around the world, ” said Timur Azernyy, Member of the Board of Directors, who led the Aircraft Industries corporate team at the Dubai Airshow. According to Azernyy, business opportunities in Europe are increasing, especially in Greece and Scandinavia.

The first customer will be AIR-TEC GLOBAL, the largest commercial operator of L 410 aircraft in the world and a major partner of Aircraft Industries on the global stage. The L 410 SEAWADER will support AIR-TEC GLOBAL and will operate in Mauritius. Jan Rehousek, CEO of AIR-TEC GLOBAL and Timur Azernyy, a member of the Board of Directors of Aircraft Industries, signed a memorandum on the delivery of one aircraft in 2025 at the Czech stand at the Dubai Airshow. The value of the contract is ten million USD. "We scored at the Dubai Airshow. We gained a customer before the development phase of the project, which testifies to both the value proposition on the SEAWADER version and the future supply potential worldwide, "said Tomas Novak, Sales Director, and Konstantin Alesin, Economic Director, Aircraft Industries.

The development of the floating version of the L 410 NG SEAWADER aircraft will start in Kunovice at the beginning of next year. A supplier of floats for the amphibian version of the L 410 NG with a wheeled chassis, the Kunovice manufacturer will compete among several world-renowned manufacturers. The company expects to complete the certification of the SEAWADER version in 2025. The aircraft will carry 17 passengers on board, with the option of combining passenger or cargo transport. The L 410 NG SEAWADER floatplane will be used in tourist destinations for the rapid transport of visitors between islands, also for the transport of cargo and ambulance flights and search or rescue operations at sea. The 30 to 40-year-old DHC-3 Otter machines or the slightly newer DHC-6 Twin Otters still reign in this segment. With the new and modern ambhibious NG aircraft, there is a solid business opportunity to renew aging fleets.

Aircraft Industries is the largest manufacturer of civil aircraft in the Czech Republic. At the Dubai Airshow, in addition to participating in the official Czech Pavillion, the company is also exhibiting a L 410 NG aircraft at the fair. The new generation of the legendary L 410 aircraft is the flagship of Czech civil aviation. The L 410 series aircraft are characterized by excellent economic characteristics and operational capabilities for regional transport. It can land on unpaved runways and operate in extreme climatic conditions +/- 50 ° C. The L 410 NG, which can be seen at the Dubai Airshow, is based on the design features of its predecessor but has significantly improved technical parameters.


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